

The I-1 tournament is not only a prestigious event in the Hong Kong Muaythai community, but has also been promoted to 80 countries since 2005. I-1 is one of the world’s top three elimination tournaments.



I-1 是帶給觀眾高程度刺激現場賽事的保証,只有最勇敢、最強勁、最硬朗的選手才有資格參賽。

I-1 guarantees high-level, exciting live matches for audiences, as only the bravest, strongest, and most robust fighters are eligible to compete.

I-1 World Muaythai Grand Prix

(四人淘汰賽) 67kg

I-1 World Muaythai Grand Prix Style:

I-1 World Muaythai Grand Prix 67kg

(Four-man elimination tournament)

I-1世界泰拳大滿貫 I-1
World Muaythai Grand Slam

(四人淘汰賽) 72kg

I-1 World Muaythai Grand Slam Style:

I-1 World Muaythai Grand Slam 72kg

(Four-man elimination tournament)

I-1 Super Fight

(單式制賽事) 無限制 重量

 I-1 Super Fight Style:

I-1 Super Fight (single elimination)

I-1 World Muaytha Grand Extreme

(混合制賽事) 無限制 重量

 I-1 World Muaythai Grand Extreme Style:

I-1 World Muaythai Grand Extreme (mixed rules)

(Unlimited weight)

I-1 Ultimate

(淘汰賽加單式制賽)無限制 重量

I-1 Ultimate Style:

I-1 Ultimate (combination of elimination and single elimination)

(Unlimited weight)