
關於 I-1主辦機構-獨有特點
About I-1 Organizing Committee - Unique Features
I-1選手使用的泰拳格鬥技突破了傳統體育比賽的單調模式,I-1 對泰拳賽會有專業的包裝手法,配合燈光、音響,保證賽會形象格調都在高水準之上,令觀眾感到精彩刺激,而比賽內容往往讓觀眾容易融入其中並感到興奮。
The Muay Thai combat techniques used by I-1 fighters break through the monotony of traditional sports competitions. I-1 has a professional packaging approach for Muay Thai tournaments, with lighting, sound, and high standards of event presentation, ensuring that the audience is thrilled and excited by the spectacle. The tournament content is designed to be immersive and exciting for the audience.

I-1選手使用的泰拳格鬥技突破了傳統體育比賽的單調模式,I-1 對泰拳賽會有專業的包裝手法,配合燈光、音響,保證賽會形象格調都在高水準之上,令觀眾感到精彩刺激,而比賽內容往往讓觀眾容易融入其中並感到興奮。
The Muay Thai combat techniques used by I-1 fighters break through the monotony of traditional sports competitions. I-1 has a professional packaging approach for Muay Thai tournaments, with lighting, sound, and high standards of event presentation, ensuring that the audience is thrilled and excited by the spectacle. The tournament content is designed to be immersive and exciting for the audience.

I-1 有專業的推廣組、製作組、攝影組、錄影組、後期製作組、醫療組及法律顧問。
I-1 has a professional marketing team, production team, photography team, video recording team, post-production team, medical team, and legal advisors.
I-1 是全球第一個獲得世界泰拳理事會 (WMC) 承認的世界拳王名銜的賽會。
I-1 is the first tournament to receive recognition from the World Muaythai Council (WMC) for the world boxing champion title.

I-1 是香港泰拳突破 20年來售票率最高的賽會。
I-1 is the tournament with the highest ticket sales rate in Hong Kong’s Muay Thai scene in the past 20 years.
I-1 是全球唯一最具生命力及延續性的泰拳搏擊賽會。
I-1 is the only Muay Thai combat tournament globally that has the most vitality and continuity.

World Muay Thai Main Event:
The event has attracted fighters from different levels around the world, including China, Hong Kong, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, Mexico, South Africa, Ghana, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belarus, Georgia, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Italy, Tonga, Ireland, Netherlands, Dubai, Serbia, Egypt, Peru, Argentina, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Russia, Romania, Scotland, Spain, Colombia, Iran, Portugal, Algeria, Morocco, Bulgaria, Brazil, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Bosnia, Costa Rica, South Korea, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Libya, and more, totaling over 60 countries!